Posted by: melanie collie on: August 26, 2011
As you read this, are your earlobes over your shoulders? Thought not, where are they? I know they are attached to your head (Duh..) but are they over the desk rather than over the middle of the shoulders?
And you wonder why you have a headache? Confused as to what your ear position has to do with those nagging pains inside it? ?Look at it this way..heres the skeleton
hes?looking quite happy sitting there, now here?s the thing..can you see the top rib?
Theres a gap just where the top rib is, under the jaw : ) Its quite a big gap,(called the thoracic outlet )?but it becomes a lot smaller when the head is forward, when it does that, it places pressure on the veins and nerves running through that gap.
Its like spaghetti junction in there isn?t it?
As the head reaches forward it places pressure on the thoracic outlet, causing TOS, thoracic outlet syndrome, it entraps the nerves that run through here.
This will affect your breathing, your posture, muscles called the scalenes?which run from the?neck to the top rib, they will be holding onto that head for dear life so it doesn?t?fall off! If the scalene get affected by your posture (and they me..) you will get pain in the mid may also feel tingling and /or numbing in the fingers too.
Your head weighs about the same as a bowling ball, that?s heavy!
Imagine holding one of those in front of you at shoulder height all day, your shoulders and back would be killing you by the end of the day!?
Yet thats?what happens when your earlobes?arent?above your shoulders..not only does it give your shoulders issues, it gives your back issues as well, your headaches are just another way of telling you to back off.? Get those earlobes?back to where they should be. Breath better, increase the oxygen into the lungs and have more energy, less pain in the back and shoulders and fewer headaches : )
p.s. you may also need to do some exercise as you may have been like this for a while. Stretching the pecs at the front of the chest , stretching the neck muscles and strengthening the mid upper back between the shoulder blades is a great place to start, I recommend you find a KCA specialist to advise you further as well
Mel Collie
KCA Level II
Elimination Diet Coach Level I
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