Montag, 4. Juni 2012

Most Fertile Time Of The Month | How to Get a Girl Pregnant

In todays fast-paced cold world, if you make a patient feel special, most will stay with you and refer. Some will be more loyal than you could ever believe.

But since you are busy in the office or should be I do not recommend spending a lot of extra time with patients to achieve this bond. Office time should be spent treating patients to the best of your ability. Not building relationships.

The best way to create fertile ground with your patients is constant and consistent contact.

This process should begin with a series of letters that welcome patients to your office and subtly let them know you are unique.

We call these stick letters and have written them for our members.

The next step is sending a direct response newsletter that is strategically written to be interesting to get patients to read it and help create fertile ground. Your newsletter should have a mixture of interesting news and emotional stories for the purpose of bonding patients to you and your office.

All good newsletters should also contain an insert that further enhances the emotional bond and stimulates reactivations and referrals.

A well written newsletter will also help create the image that you are extremely knowledgeable and reinforce their decision for choosing you as their doctor.

As a quick aside youll notice everything I have mentioned so far I do in my business to YOU. When you became a member, you got a stick sequence. And you are reading a direct response newsletter right now. I send this newsletter each and every month without fail.

There is no doubt this newsletter is one of the most important strategies in my business. I spend tens of thousands of dollars to send it out every month. I continue to do it after all these years because it brings back in much more than I invest every month.

Besides stick sequences and a well written direct response newsletter, I contacting your patient each and every month with personal letters, postcards, marketing campaignsand unsolicited gifts.

First personal letters. I have several top members that write to their patients every month. Its a very simple thing and only takes a few minutes but is one of the most powerful things you can do.

It can be a little hand written note on an interesting article they found. It can be a
Hallmark card saying thank you for being a great patient. It can be almost anything you can think of. Dont rack your brain. This keep it simple and quick. Over time you will see amazing results.

One of the best strategies Ive heard of is sending postcards to your patient list when you go away. My member that do this ALWAYS find reactivations and referrals waiting for them when they return.

Unsolicited gift are extremely powerful. I recommend separating your patient list into three categories: A, B and C.

A patients are your most valuable patients. B are next in line and then C. I recommend sending all your patients unsolicited gifts from tie to time but A patients should get special attention.

This does NOT mean you should do anything differently when you are treating. Lets be clear on this: ALL YOUR PATIENTS SHOULD GET YOUR BEST POSSIBLE TRREATMENT.

But A patients can get a little more of your relationship enhancement efforts.

Whenever I mention this, I get flooded with emails from members asking me what they should send to patients. So lets clear that up right now.

The answer is: I DONT KNOW!

You can go on the interent and check out wholesale sites. The merchandise changes frequently on these sights and you can get great deals.

But heres the best thing to do: If you have some patients that are really, really, really special really, really, really show them you care.

Put a little thought into it and get them something your know they would like. For example, one of my members have a great patient that was golf. So he got his a golf gift. Another like the New York Giants so he got that patient a gift about the Giants.

This is extremely powerful. And, if you run stats on your practice, you will most likely discover that most of your profit comes from a relatively small percentage of your patients. I know because just about all business have this in common.

So, if you encourage that small percentage, your return on investment will be enormous.

And since like refers like you will be filling your practice with patient your love to treat, will stay with you no matter what HMO they are on and are extremely profitable.

Everyone loves feeling cared for and special. Your significant other is no different. If you treat your significant other the same way you did when you first met with all the attention your relationship will most likely last forever.

But, most do not.

Most Chiropractors court and win over new patients. And then, as soon as they get them, they ignore them and go after someone new.

This is backwards thinking. It is much easier and more profitable to do what it takes to keep an existing patient then it is to go out and sake the bushes for new one. Clearly, the most expensive patient is the new one.

Just know this: you must constantly be working on your relationship with your patients. It is not something you do once of twice and its solid forever. Ignore your spouse and he or she will leave you. Sooner or later. Ignore your patients and they will leave you, too.

Usually sooner than later.

Put in a little effort to show them you care and build that relationship and you will be richly rewarded.

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