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Date Added: September 10, 2012 09:56:30 AM | |
Author: Julia Bennet | |
Category: Business: Finance | |
There is no escape from the burden of auto insurance when you buy a car. And it is not a onetime expense, but rather an annual investment for the safety and security of your vehicle, as you stand to get compensation from the insurance company in the event of an accident or theft. Rising costs of auto insurance has made people look for ways to get discount on premiums of car insurance policies. One smart way to get a cheaper car insurance policy is to get auto insurance quotes from insurance companies on the internet. Narrow Down Your Search by Asking For QuotesThe business of car insurance has become extremely competitive these days and all players involved in this business are vying with each other to get the largest slice of the market. This means that if one plays his cards correctly, it is possible to get a huge saving on the insurance premium of his car. One important tip to get cheap auto insurance is to treat it as just another product that you buy from the market. If you can bargain and haggle for the price of a computer or a mobile, why not do the same for your car insurance? Try to negotiate after obtaining auto insurance quotes from different insurance companies on the internet.If you plan to buy a car in a few days, visit websites providing services for auto insurance on the internet to know how to proceed to get a cheap car insurance policy. All that you have to do is to provide a few personal details such as age, sex, the name and model of the car and the website will provide auto insurance quotes from different insurance companies. This is only the starting point, as you can narrow down your search to 1-2 insurance companies that provide the lowest quotes.You can then proceed to negotiate with them. Highlight Factors In your FavorThere are many factors that play an important role in deciding the car insurance amount. The size and type of car is certainly one of them. Be prepared to be charged a high insurance premium if you buy a SUV or a sedan. In comparison, small fuel efficient cars are not only cost effective;but they also have low auto insurance, as insurance companies perceive them to be safer than large stylish cars. People who are perceived as safe drivers are considered to be good customers by insurance companies. These people have a clean slate as far as accidents and parking tickets are concerned. Owners of cars who install safety features that are additional are also considered as more concerned about the safety and security of their cars. These owners get discounts on the premium of their car insurance policies. There are many other ways to get discounts on the premiums of car insurance policies such as agreeing on deductibles that otherwise add up to increase the insurance amount. However, if you are interested in cheap car insurance, you need to get auto insurance quotes to further . If you want auto insurance : http://www.askewins.com/business/default.aspx , get your auto insurance quotes : http://www.askewins.com/employees.aspx online to obtain low premiums. |
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